December 20, 2020
Sparkle Tour Event
As we are unable to hold this event in our customary manner, the Balgonie Volunteer Fire Department, the Town of Balgonie & Alpha Fire Consulting would like to introduce…
Dress Up Your Xmas Balls for the Community
This year has provided challenges for all of us in our personal lives and work lives. We have all found ways to deal with our ever-changing world. However, through all of this, we have groups in our community that have not had the opportunity to do the usual fundraising. The biggest impact has been the cancellation of our annual Dinner Theatre.
To that end, the Balgonie Volunteer Firefighters and the First Responders have partnered with Alpha Fire Consulting to create a way for all community members to help out these groups and have a little bit of Christmas fun. Normally, we hold the Sparkle Tour and have the chance to share Season’s Greetings with each other. We are inviting you to participate in our substitute 2020 event…“Dress Up Your X-mas Balls.” You may purchase an X-mas ball and festively decorate it, including your family name, company name and/or Christmas message. On the night of December 20th, they will be unveiled for all to see. There will also be fireworks to help celebrate the season.
X-mas balls will be $25.00 each for personal/family and $100.00 each for businesses. Hurry, there are only 96 available! Once you pay (contactless), you may come pick one up, decorate it and drop it off by December 18th. The Fire Department is offering cash prizes for the best child decorated X-mas ball. Don’t forget to tour the town to see the lights! As always, judging of the lighting displays will occur the week before the event.
The groups chosen to benefit from this are: Balgonie Dance and Twirl, Balgonie Curling Club, Tumbleweed Theatre and Balgonie Swimming Pool. Contact Doug Lapchuk @306-570-7791 or email [email protected] to order.
Unveiling of X-mas Balls: December 20th at 7:00 p.m. in front of the Town Office.
(We ask that community members remain in their vehicles).
Fireworks: December 20th at 7:15 p.m.
The best place to see the fireworks is Railway Street.
Santa will make an appearance to wave to the children!