The 2020 Assessment Roll is now open and available for public inspection. As the Office is closed to the public due to the COVID-19 virus, you are asked to call ahead (306) 771-2284 for an appointment to view the Roll in our Administration Building. We will provide access for the public while ensuring the recommended safety protocols are kept. The sheet “Questions Frequently Asked Regarding Appealing Your Property Assessment” is a valuable informational tool and follows this notice. The S.A.M.A. (Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency) website (www.samaview.ca) is another valuable tool.
Assessment notice changes have been mailed out to property owners for their review. As per our Bylaw #319/2005, Assessment Notices have not been mailed out to properties that have not changed in assessment for this year. All property owners have from March 20, 2020 to April 20, 2020 to review their assessments. Assessment appeals are to be filed with the Town Office by April 20/20 at 5:00 p.m. These may be mailed in or dropped off at the office with the appeal fee of $75.00.
Please feel free to contact our office staff at (306) 771-2284 or email at [email protected], should you have any questions about the assessment of your property. We would be happy to answer your questions and provide further direction.
The next four-year Revaluation process for the Province is in 2021. The last provincial-wide Revaluation was in 2017. The base date for the 2021 Revaluation will reflect a property’s value as of January 1, 2019, not January 1, 2021.