The Town of Balgonie set up its Wireless Water Fill Station in the beginning of 2021. It is located on the corner of Railway Street and King Street in Balgonie.
What do you need?
A prepaid fob which can be set up at the Town Office.
A 2″ female cam lock is required on your hose in order to connect to the Water Fill Station.
How does it work?
Fob System:
The Town of Balgonie has set up a prepaid system with Text2Car/ConX Wireless. This system will only work with a prepaid fob and/or a prepaid online account, which the Town of Balgonie can provide for you.
Once you have your online account set up, you can:
- Start and stop the pump with your fob OR your phone;
- Make a payment via credit card to increase your prepaid account balance; and
- View transaction reports.
Ensure your hose is connected to the WFS and is placed in your tank before starting the pump. Once connected, simply touch your fob to the fob system and the water will start. Once you are satisfied with the amount of water, touch the fob to the fob system to stop the water.
Please note that the system will automatically shut off after 10 minutes. If this happens, simply start the pump with your fob again.
How to set up an account:
The Town requires the following information to set up an account for you:
- Name;
- Email Address;
- Cell Phone Number; and
- Mailing Address.
If you have further questions or would like to set up an account, please contact the Town Office at 306-771-2284 or [email protected].
The Town of Balgonie has passed a bylaw which plans to increase the bulk water supply rates from 2024 to 2026. They are as follows:
2024 – $4.50/m3
2025 – $5.00/m3
2026 – $6.00/m3