Pursuant to Section 13 of The Municipalities Act, Council of the Town of Balgonie will be considering the permanent closure of the East/West and North/South Lanes on Blk/Par 1, Plan 16960 Ext O; and to, consolidate Lots 13-16 and the adjacent lane on the western boundary with Lots 22-24 and the adjacent alley on the eastern boundary and northern boundary; and to, consolidate Lots 18-21 as a separate parcel with the adjacent alley on the eastern boundary of Lot 18 included (all outlined in red); and to, separate the remaining lane north of Lot 11 as a utility parcel (outlined in green).
The affected areas are shown in the following diagram.
Intended Use: The formal closure of the lanes is to provide for additional area for the proposed Pool Rejuvenation Project.

The proposed closure will be considered at 7:15 p.m. at the March 27, 2023 Council meeting held in Council Chambers in the Balgonie Administration Building at 129 Railway Street East in Balgonie. Members of the public are invited to submit written submissions for Council’s consideration and any requests to speak to Council on the matter are kindly asked to submit the submissions and requests to the Town of Balgonie by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Issued at the Town of Balgonie
March 7, 2023
Karen Craigie, Administrator