Mail-in Voting:
Town Council has passed a Bylaw which will permit residents to mail in their ballots for the 2023 By-Election. Eligible voters will have the option to register to vote by Mail-in Ballot rather than vote in person at the Advance Polls or Election Day Polls.
If you are eligible to vote in the Municipal Election and wish to vote by this method, you may fill out Form ‘R’ and Form ‘C’, and return it to the Returning Officer at the Town of Balgonie at 129 Railway Street prior to November 17, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
The forms may also be returned by e-mail to [email protected] or faxed to 306-771-2899.
Forms are available on the Town of Balgonie website, newsletter and are also available to voters at the Town Office.
Voters who register to vote by Mail–in Ballot will not be eligible to vote at the Election Day Poll or the Advance Poll. Mail-in Ballot kits will be provided to the registered voters prior to Election Day.
Instructions for Witnesses for Mail-In Voter Registration and Declaration
As the person who witnesses the voter’s signature on the Voter’s Registration and Declaration of Person Requesting Mail-in Ballot Form, you will need to review the applicant’s identification and confirm that you are satisfied that the voter’s identity has been established.
The voter applying for the mail-in ballot should produce:
- One piece of identification issued by the Government of Canada, the Government of Saskatchewan, a municipality or a government agency that contains a photograph of the applicant, the applicant’s name and address and the applicant’s signature; or
- One piece of identification issued by the Government of Canada, the Government of Saskatchewan, a municipality or a government agency that contains a photograph of the applicant voter and the applicant’s name and signature, and a second piece of identification prescribed in the Regulations that contains the applicant’s name and address.
As the Witness, you will need to provide your signature, first and last name, phone number and/or email address. Witnesses shall be 18 years of age or older.