Election 2020-TOWN OF BALGONIE
Candidate’s information
The Municipal Election will be held on November 9, 2020. The Town of Balgonie Council consists of a Mayor and six (6) Council Members. Each member serves on Council for a four (4) year term.
The local government makes decisions regarding local matters regarding services that the Town provides. The Town Council sets the local budget for services such as administration, protective services, public works, development, environment, recreation, water and sewer.
If you are interested in running for Town Council, information can be found on roles and responsibilities at the following link. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/municipal-administration/elections/running-for-municipal-office
Candidate information packages are now available at the Town office. Nomination forms will need to be submitted between September 22, 2020 and no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 7, 2020.
You may run for the office of Municipal Council if:
- On the day of the election, you are the full age of 18 years or will attain the full age of 18 years on or before Election Day;
- At the time you submit the nomination papers, are a Canadian citizen and have resided in Balgonie for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the date on which nomination papers are submitted and in Saskatchewan for at least six months immediately preceding the date on which nomination papers are submitted; and
- Are not disqualified by The Local Government Election Act, 2015 or any other Act from holding the office for which you are a candidate.
You may not run for the office of Municipal Council if you:
- Are a Judge of any Court.
- Are an Auditor or Solicitor of the Municipality.
If you or anyone you know is eligible to run for Town Council, please contact our staff at 306-771-2284 to obtain a candidate’s package and information about the role.