All bylaws are passed by Town Council and are maintained by the Town of Balgonie Office. The following is not a comprehensive list of all Town of Balgonie Bylaws currently in effect. We have attempted to post the Bylaws most commonly consulted and or requested by the general public.
Please note that, while every effort is made to ensure the bylaws provided below are complete and accurate, they are provided only for information and reference purposes and have no legal status. The original bylaws should be consulted for all purposes of interpretation and application of law.
- Building
- Cemetery
- Council Procedures
- Election
- Fees
- Fire
- Firearm
- Nuisance
- Pets
- Signage
- Traffic
- Waste Collection, Recycling & Composting
- Water & Sewer
- Zoning
- Bylaw No. 388/2016 – A Bylaw of the Town of Balgonie to Regulate the Proceedings of Municipal Council and Council’s Committees (Council Procedures Bylaw)
- Bylaw No. 419/2020 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 388 2016 Known as a Bylaw to Regulate the Proceedings of Municipal Council and Council's Committees (Council Procedures Bylaw)
- Bylaw No. 458/2023 - A Bylaw to Establish a Code of Ethics for Council Members
- Bylaw No. 464/2024 A Bylaw to Establish a Public Notice Policy
- Bylaw No. 178/1990 – A Bylaw to Regulate Traffic in the Town of Balgonie
- Bylaw No. 385/2015 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 178/1990 Known as the Traffic Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 391/2016 – A Bylaw to Regulate and Control the Operation of ATV’s Upon Certain Highways and Other Areas Within the Corporate Boundaries of the Town of Balgonie
- Bylaw No. 400/2017 – A Bylaw to Regulate Vehicle Weights to 5 Tonnes for a Road within the Town of Balgonie in Accordance with Section 18 of The Municipalities Act
- Bylaw No. 404/2018 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 178/1990 Known as the Traffic Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 433/2022 - A Bylaw to Provide for the Permanent Closure of a Portion of a Municipal Road
- Bylaw No. 453/2023 - A Bylaw to Permit Operating Unregistered Golf Carts on Highways Within the Limits of the Town of Balgonie
- Bylaw No. 434/2020 - A Bylaw to Regulate and Control the Use and Consumption of Water from The Municipality's Waterworks System and Controlling and Regulating the Discharge of Sewage into the Municipality's Sewage System and Control of Sump Pit and Surface Discharge of Water
- Bylaw No. 456/2023 - A Bylaw to Fix the Rates to be Charged for the Connection, Consumption and Use of Water and Sewer Services
- Bylaw No. 457/2024 - A Bylaw to Regulate and Control the Use of Public Utilities
- Bylaw No. 374/2014 – Zoning Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 380/2015 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Zoning District Map – Annexed Land)
- Bylaw No. 382/2015 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Commercial/Light Industrial District)
- Bylaw No. 383/2015 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Signage)
- Bylaw No. 389/2016 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Site Development Regulations – Single Detached Dwelling)
- Bylaw No. 393/2016 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Lots, Amend Cellular Tower Distance)
- Bylaw No. 397/2017 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Reduce Minimum Setback Distance)
- Bylaw No. 402/2018 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Zoning District Corrections)
- Bylaw No. 418/2020 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Site Development Regulations)
- Bylaw No. 417/2020 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Number of Principal Buildings, Multi-Building Commercial Developments, HPC, Commercial/Light Industrial District)
- Bylaw No. 411/2019 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Lots 4, 5 & 6 Blk 1 Plan 16960 from R2 to C1, Swimming Pools, RTM’s, Site Development Regulations)
- Bylaw No. 410/2019 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Site Development Regulations)
- Bylaw No. 409/2018 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Lots 11 and 12 Blk 1 Plan 16960 From R2 to C1)
- Bylaw No. 407/2018 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Lot 2 Blk 23 Plan No. 74R47767 from RMH to R1)
- Bylaw No. 402/2018 – Zoning District Correction Maps
- Bylaw No. 423/2021 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Lot B Blk 17 Plan 74R47767 from RMH to R1)
- Bylaw No. 424/2021 – A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Traffic Sightlines)
- Bylaw No. 430/2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Cannabis Regulations)
- Bylaw No. 432/2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Parcel H, Accessory Building sizes, Utilities)
- Bylaw No. 436/2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Accessory Building Footprint)
- Bylaw No. 449/2023 A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374 2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Zoning for Lanes Closed by Pool Development)
- Bylaw No. 454/2023 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Rezone Closed Lane/Road from R1 to R2 Legal description)
- Bylaw No. 459/2024 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 374/2014 Known as the Zoning Bylaw (Reducing R2 Setback and Development Permit)